BU 2017 Partial Octofinals: Tufts Gregg Popovich 2020 v. Brown Lucy & Linus

Case: Truth and Reconciliatory Commissions (TRCs) are bodies set up by states after periods of conflict. Conflict includes civil war, dictatorships, or other strife. They have two primary functions. First, TRCs seek to establish the official facts and histories of the conflict, with input from all parties. Secondly, TRCs preference restorative justice, where victims take […]

Nationals 2017 Quarterfinals: AU OS v. Swarthmore MP

Case: In 2014, the Russian Government should invaded to take back the ISIS controlled oil fields in Syria. Gov: AU OS PM: Frankie Orrico MG: Julie Scott Opp: Swarthmore MP LO: Miriam Pierson MO: William Meyer [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Swarthmore MP won on a consensus (5-0) decision.[/expand] Thanks to Isaac Klipstein for the recording.

Brown II 2017 Partial Octofinals: Harvard Chetan’s Angels v. AU Adia Is Daddy

Case: Should we amend the Nics Background Check System to make being on the FBI’s Terror Watch List a sufficient condition for being denied a firearm? Opp chose no. Gov: Harvard Chetan’s Angels PM: Danny DeBois MG: Sarah Ryan Opp: AU Adia Is Daddy LO: Isaac Klipstein MO: Julie Scott [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]AU Adia […]

William and Mary 2015 Semifinals: Maryland Fight Shrub v. Swarthmore Too Much Tuna

Case: On October 19th, 1781, American troops led by George Washington won a decisive victory over British forces in Yorktown, Virginia, functionally ending the American Revolution. In 1783, following the Treaty of Paris, the remaining British troops left New York City, their last military position in the United States. The British retained control of Canada […]

Vassar 2015 Semifinals *Private*

This round is privately available through the APDAweb forum. Please click on this link and log in to access the round. [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]The opposition team won on a 3 – 2 decision.[/expand]  Thanks to Pasha Temkin for the recording.

Vassar 2014 Round 5 *Private*

This round is privately available through the APDAweb forum. Please click on this link and log in to access the round. [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]The opposition team won.[/expand]  Thanks to Matt Rohn for the recording.

Hopkins 2015 Demo Round: Hopkins/W&M v. Brown/Brandeis

Case: On-balance, it would be preferable to have a world without nukes Gov: Hopkins/W&M PM: David Israel MG: Aaron Murphy Opp: Brown/Brandeis LO: Alex Mechanick MO: Sarah Margulies [expand title=””Results”” notitle=””true”” trigclass=””arrowright””]Unknown[/expand]  Thanks to Ricky Cambo for the recording.

NYU 2014 Finals: AU A v. Harvard A

Case: You are the new leadership of a country in Africa. You gained power through a military coup and replaced a corrupt democracy with ties to the West. The conflict was bloody, and the country’s infrastructure was damaged. However, the country is rich in resources and the industry was largely unaffected. You represent the minority […]