Equal Opportunity Facilitators

The role of the APDA Equal Opportunity Facilitators (EOFs) is twofold. Our primary obligation is to respond to instances of inequality. This includes serving as Equity Officers (EOs) at individual tournaments and stepping in when people act unjustly in rounds, in GA, at socials, or on individual teams. Our job isn’t to be punitive, but rather to make sure everyone has the ability to participate in APDA without feeling mentally or physically unsafe. Our secondary obligation is to prevent instances of inequity by educating peers one-on-one, collaborating with other committees, creating informational materials, and being role models. These actions can make APDA safer as a whole.

Check the contact page for a list of our members!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to:

  • Board liaison: Reed Easterling
  • Chair: None