Brown II 2017 Partial Octofinals: Harvard Chetan’s Angels v. AU Adia Is Daddy

Case: Should we amend the Nics Background Check System to make being on the FBI’s Terror Watch List a sufficient condition for being denied a firearm? Opp chose no. Gov: Harvard Chetan’s Angels PM: Danny DeBois MG: Sarah Ryan Opp: AU Adia Is Daddy LO: Isaac Klipstein MO: Julie Scott [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]AU Adia […]

Williams 2017 Quarterfinals: Yale HS v. Brandeis Carpetbaggers

Case: THW eliminate federal subsidies for redevelopment projects in areas of high risk of natural disasters. Gov: Yale HS PM: Kyle Hietala MG: Mojmir Stehlik Opp: Brandeis Carpetbaggers LO: Henry Snow MO: Kevin Healey [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Brandeis Carpetbaggers won on a 3-0.[/expand] Thanks to Jasper Primack for the recording.

Princeton 2016 Finals: Untitled, Unseeded v. F&M/Swarthmore That One

Case: THW restrict free speech in order to advance the interests of historically marginalized groups. Gov: Untitled, Unseeded PM: Alex Mechanick MG: Nathaniel Donahue Opp: F&M/Swarthmore That One LO: Matthew Rohn MO: Miriam Pierson [expand title=””Results”” notitle=””true”” trigclass=””arrowright””]Untitled, Unseeded won.[/expand]  Thanks to Ricky Cambo for the recording.

TCNJ 2016 Semifinals: *Private*

This round is privately available through the APDAweb forum. Please click on this link and log in to access the round. [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]The opposition team won on a 2 – 1 decision.[/expand]  Thanks to Micah Meskowitz for the recording.