Case: Caveating that determinism is true, should we pursue retribution? Opp said yes. Government: Syracuse A PM: David Kopel MG: Seth Elder Opposition: Brandeis MS LO: Sarah Margulies MO: Veronica Saltzman [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Syracuse A won.[/expand] Thanks to Dave Kopel for the recording.
Category: Videos
NYU 2012 Finals: AU A v. Yale CT
Case: Prosecutors should be required to serve terms as public defenders. Government: AU A PM: James Schmitt MG: Stephen Hayes Opposition: Yale CT LO: David Trinh MO: Robert Colonel [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]AU A won on a 4-3 decision.[/expand]
GW 2013 Octofinals: Rutgers LM v. Brandeis AW
Link to Audio Source Case: Should a competitor in the Hunger Games should lie down and refuse to play as protest? Opp chose to participate in the fight to the death. Government: Rutgers LM PM: Quinn Maingi MG: Arbi Llaveshi Opposition: Brandeis AW LO: Rich Weisbach MO: Shira Almeleh [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Brandeis AW won.[/expand] […]
Rutgers 2013 Quarterfinals: Kant Sandwich A v. Swarthmore Yahtzee
Case: Kantian deontology is a better moral philosophy than hedonistic act utilitarianism. Government: Kant Sandwich A PM: David Kopel MG: Keith Barry Opposition: Swarthmore Yahtzee LO: Griffin Olmstead MO: Jodie Goodman [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Swarthmore Yahtzee won on a 3-2 decision.[/expand] Thanks to Thanks Dave Kopel for recording!
BU 2007 Quarterfinals: Brandeis A v. Harvard A
Case: A trans-woman who was raped tried to volunteer at a rape counseling center that only allowed women to counsel there. The counseling center refused to allow her to volunteer. The center should have let her volunteer there. Government: Brandeis A PM: Rebecca Sivitz MG: Dan Blynn Opposition: Harvard A LO: Zach Cafritz MO: Mike […]
TCNJ 2013 Quarterfinals: AU/Swat Hybrid v. Yale Anti-Patriarchy
Case: THBT the Olympics should be abolished. Government: AU/Swat Hybrid PM: Ashe Girard MG: Jenny Koch Opposition: Yale Anti-Patriarchy LO: Zach Bakal MO: Anirudh Sivaram [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]AU/Swat Hybrid won.[/expand]
NorthAms 2013 Quarterfinals: Yale BB v. Brandeis Navajo Blanket
Motion: THW disregard civilian casualties and institutions when targeting combatants who have intentionally placed themselves in densely populated areas. Government: Yale BB PM: Mike Barton MG: Zach Bakal Opposition: Brandeis Navajo Blanket LO: Keith Barry MO: Russell Leibowitz [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Yale BB won.[/expand]
NorthAms 2013 Octofinals: Brandeis Navajo Blanket v. Chicago HM
Motion: Given a machine which perfectly diagnoses mental illness, THW require all citizens to be tested with it. Government: Brandeis Navajo Blanket PM: Keith Barry MG: Russell Leibowitz Opposition: Chicago HM LO: Jon Haderlein MO: Tinley Melvin [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Brandeis Navajo Blanket won.[/expand]
GW 2013 Quarterfinals: Chicago HL v. Brandeis Chipwich
Case: Should an archbishop of a moderately sized diocese force his dioceses’ Sunday school teachers to take an oath on the bible saying that they wholly believe in all of Catholic doctrine? Opp chose not to make the teachers take the oath. Government: Chicago HL PM: Jon Haderlein MG: Alice Li Opposition: Brandeis Chipwich LO: […]
West Point 2012 Finals: Yale BZ v. Yale HM
Case: OC: Should a group of spelunkers who forced one of their own to participate in a lottery where the loser would be eaten to avoid the group’s starvation be punished? Opp chose not to punish. Government: Yale BZ PM: Joanna Zheng MG: Zach Bakal Opposition: Yale HM LO: Aaron Hakim MO: Michael Magdzik [expand […]