Case: Should the US have given amnesty to a group of Japanese scientists after WWII who were involved in chemical weapons testing on Chinese civilians? Opp said yes Gov: Rutgers OP PM: Sean Leonard MG: Quinn Maingi Opp: F&M Audible E LO: Matt Rohn MO: Emily Ray [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Rutgers OP won on a […]
Category: 2014-2015
NU ProAms 2014 Quarterfinals: Tufts Bates v. Brown Calvin and Quahbbes
Case: You are Judas Iscariot. The authorities approach you and offer you 30 pieces of silver to betray your friend Jesus to them. Should you do so? Opp said No Gov: Tufts Bates PM: Willy Clements MG: Drew Latimer Opp: Brown Calvin and Quahbbes LO: Alex Mechanick MO: Nicholas Quah [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Brown Calvin […]
Nationals 2015 Octofinals ***PRIVATE***
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Nationals 2015 Semifinals ***PRIVATE***
This round is available privately through the APDA Forum. Please log on here
Nationals 2015 Quarterfinals *Private*
This round is privately available through the APDA forum. Please log on here
Nationals 2015 Quarterfinals *Private*
This round is available privately through the APDA Forum. Please log in here
Nationals 2015 Octofinals ***PRIVATE***
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Nationals 2015 Octofinals: GW NW v. Yale LW
Case: Anti-Apartheid protestors should not have called for divestment from South Africa Gov: GW NW PM: David Wang MG: Priyanha Nadanasabesan Opp: Yale LW LO: Megan Wilson MO: Evan Lynack [expand title=””Results”” notitle=””true”” trigclass=””arrowright””]Yale LW won on a 3 – 0 decision.[/expand] <em>Thanks to TCNJ for the recording.</em>
Nationals 2015 Finals: Harvard DM v. Brown MW
Case: The US Federal Government should not subpoena journalists for their sources Gov: Harvard DM PM: Nathaniel Donahue MG: Fanele Mashwama Opp: Brown MW LO: Alex Mechanick MO: Yidi Wu [expand title=””Results”” notitle=””true”” trigclass=””arrowright””]Harvard DM won on a 7 – 0 decision.[/expand] <em>Thanks to TNCJ for the recording.</em>
Yale ProAms 2015 Finals: *Private*
This round is privately available through the APDAweb forum. Please click on this link and log in to access the round. Thanks to Ricky Cambo for the recording.