This round is privately available through the APDAweb forum. Please click on this link and log in to access the round.
[expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]The opposition team won on a 2 – 1 decision.[/expand]
Thanks to Micah Meskowitz for the recording.
Was this the round that decided TOTY?
I think GW and Yale both dropped in quarters so TOTY was decided before this round occurred.
There were 3 quarters rounds at TCNJ that collectively decided TOTY. Yale LW dropped to F&M, GW BW dropped to Sean and Matt from Swat, and Princeton picked up over Miriam and Will from Swat. All the TOTY teams were on opp.
Is there a video of DR opping in their quarters round? I heard it’s the one time Swat’s case has lost to a straight opp.
And people said teams this year couldn’t opp!
This actually was an off round for this team on opp. I saw a lot of DR’s outrounds in person last year and they were far more devastating in other opp rounds (Harvard semis comes to mind).
What an MO dump!