GSEI Requests

Mentorship Program

Hello! GSEI’s 2024 Mentorship program has three options.

1. Mentorship: I want a semester-long mentor so that I can ask a variety of questions about APDA, both technical questions about debating itself and questions about the unwritten rules about how the league functions, and so I know a friendly face at tournaments!

2. I’d like to partner with a varsity/dino (graduated debater) for a tournament

3. Case Help: I think I’ve got APDA down, but I’d love advice on a specific case I’m trying to write (can be focused on gender/sexuality, but not limited to these topics)

To request any of the above, fill out the following form:

Once requested, you’ll be reached out to by Cecilia Granda-Scott, who will ask for more information about your specific needs in order to pair you with the perfect partner!

Lecture Series

GSEI would like to create lectures throughout the year on topics the community is interested in. If you have a suggestion for a lecture you’re interested in seeing being made, message our Board Liaison.