Case: In 1095 Pope Urban called for the First Crusade. The goal of the crusade was to open up the holy land and Jerusalem area surrounding it to access by Christians. The pope offered positive incentives to go on the crusade, like being absolved of all of your sins and getting into heaven. You are a very wealthy and high up Lord amongst the wealthy elite in society. We believe you should not choose to go on the crusade.
Gov: W&M/Syracuse
PM: Aaron Murphy
MG: Anthony Rini
Opp: Brown/Brandeis
LO: Alex Mechanick
MO: Jess Maskin
Thanks to Jerusalem Demsas for the recording.
There should be a “sick LO” tag
Mechanick usually rocks, but I’d give him the 3 or the 4 here.
The guy made arguments like “money won’t help you because all you can do is buy more wheat.”