Chicago 2013 Quarterfinals: Syracuse A v. Brandeis MS

Case: Caveating that determinism is true, should we pursue retribution? Opp said yes. Government: Syracuse A PM: David Kopel MG: Seth Elder Opposition: Brandeis MS LO: Sarah Margulies MO: Veronica Saltzman [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Syracuse A won.[/expand] Thanks to Dave Kopel for the recording.

GW 2013 Octofinals: Rutgers LM v. Brandeis AW

Link to Audio Source Case: Should a competitor in the Hunger Games should lie down and refuse to play as protest? Opp chose to participate in the fight to the death. Government: Rutgers LM PM: Quinn Maingi MG: Arbi Llaveshi Opposition: Brandeis AW LO: Rich Weisbach MO: Shira Almeleh [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Brandeis AW won.[/expand] […]

Rutgers 2013 Quarterfinals: Kant Sandwich A v. Swarthmore Yahtzee

Case: Kantian deontology is a better moral philosophy than hedonistic act utilitarianism. Government: Kant Sandwich A PM: David Kopel MG: Keith Barry Opposition: Swarthmore Yahtzee LO: Griffin Olmstead MO: Jodie Goodman [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Swarthmore Yahtzee won on a 3-2 decision.[/expand] Thanks to Thanks Dave Kopel for recording!

NorthAms 2013 Quarterfinals: Yale BB v. Brandeis Navajo Blanket

Motion: THW disregard civilian casualties and institutions when targeting combatants who have intentionally placed themselves in densely populated areas. Government: Yale BB PM: Mike Barton MG: Zach Bakal Opposition: Brandeis Navajo Blanket LO: Keith Barry MO: Russell Leibowitz [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Yale BB won.[/expand]