Case: In 1095 Pope Urban called for the First Crusade. The goal of the crusade was to open up Jerusalem and the holy land area surrounding it to access by Christians. The pope offered positive incentives to go on the crusade, like being absolved of all of your sins and getting into heaven. You are […]
Author: frankieorrico
George Washington II 2016 Quarterfinals: Hopkins the Real Slim Katy v. AU Andrew Made the Chemtrails
Case: As a 16th century German Bishop, do you break off to join Lutheranism or do you stay with the Catholic Church? Opp choose Lutheranism Gov: Hopkins the Real Slim Katy PM: Dan Takash MG: Katy Li Opp: AU Andrew Made the Chemtrails LO: Frankie Orrico MO: Julie Scott [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]Hopkins the Real […]
West Point 2016 Semifinals: AU (Type) A v. Swat Cruz Missiles
OC: You are the British Empire, do you allow the results in the 1952 Ghana elections stand? Government: Swat Cruz Missiles PM: Nate Urban MG: Matthew Donaghy Opposition: AU (Type) A LO: Frankie Orrico MO: Zoe Morgan [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]AU (Type) A won on a 2 – 1 decision.[/expand]
William and Mary I 2015 Quarterfinals: Georgetown/Georgetown Hybrid v. AU South Out
You are Burger King, buy up potato farms to match McDonalds. Government: Georgetown/Georgetown Hybrid PM: Ryan Hautigan MG: Austin Cohen Opposition: AU South Out LO: Frankie Orrico MO: Matt Sokol [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]AU South Out won on a consensus decision.[/expand]
GWII Partial-Octofinals: AU South Out v. UChicago Taylor Lautner
OC: You are the United States, do you fund the Mujahideen? Government: UChicago Taylor Lautner PM: Nick Liu MG: John Luntz Opposition: LO: Frankie Orrico MO: Matt Sokol [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]UChicago Taylor Lautner won on a 2 – 1 decision.[/expand]
University of North Carolina 2015 Semifinals: AU South Out v GW Court Man-Date
Government: AU South Out PM: Matt Sokol MG: Frankie Orrico Opposition: GW Court Man-Date LO: Andrew Bowles MO: Tyler Arnold This house believes that the United States should not use lethal force against terrorists. [expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]GW Court Man-Date won on a 3 – 0 decision.[/expand]