Case: A zombie virus has consumed the island of Manhattan, killing or turning 1.4 million citizens, leaving only 200,000 survivors. The bridges have been destroyed and a cordon established, but there’s no certainty as to what’s going on on the island, save the fact that zombies can be killed with head shots or radiation, and the virus has an incubation period of 2-3 days.
Given that the use of a nuclear weapon will eradicate the infection on Manhattan, killing all of the zombies and any survivors without affecting nearby areas, should the US Federal Government nuke the island of Manhattan? Opp said yes.
Gov: GW Court Man-Dated
PM: Andrew Bowles
MG: Tyler Arnold
Opp: Penn Albatross
LO: Kyle Grigel
MO: Dan Cobos
[expand title=”Results” notitle=”true” trigclass=”arrowright”]GW Court Man-Dated won on a 2 – 1 decision.[/expand]
Thanks to Isabel Bejarano for the recording.
Tyler Arnold, beautiful man