Welcome to APDA Committees!
Committees are at the forefront of APDA’s outreach and self-improvement. Each committee is composed of a small group of dedicated college students who work on an issue pertinent to APDA and its accessibility, equity, and growth. Committees provide valuable resources to our community in the form of guides, research, individual support, and hybrid partnerships.
The six committees are:
- Equal Opportunity Facilitators (ensures equitable conduct throughout APDA)
- Diversity Initiative (helps debaters of color succeed on APDA)
- Gender Empowerment Initiative (helps gender minority and LGBTQ+ debaters succeed on APDA)
- Expansion Committee (facilitates the inclusion of new debate programs in APDA)
- Novice Mentors (promotes novice retention and education on APDA)
- Video Recording Committee (obtains consent for and recordings of APDA rounds)
Each committee is spearheaded by one or two Chairs and paired with a liaison from the APDA Executive Board. However, you should feel free to reach out to any committee member.
Please use the individual committee pages to find specific information, search for hybrids, or locate resources you need!
If you would like to join a committee, applications run biannually—once per academic semester (in July for Fall and December for Spring). More specific information about applications will be made available on the Forum.
Email with any other questions.