APDA History

In the interest of preserving institutional memory, APDA Board maintains the following running list of some notable officeholders and award recipients:

APDA Presidents:

2024-25Aiden ZhangTufts University
2023-24Ahmad HowardUniversity of Chicago
2022-23Dominic DeRamoGeorgetown University
2021-22Rodda JohnColumbia University
2020-21Haseeb WaseemVillanova University
2019-20Andrew HarringtonUniversity of Chicago
2018-19Alexandra JohnsonUniversity of Pennsylvania
2017-18Mars HeHarvard College
2016-17Jerusalem DemsasThe College of William and Mary
2015-16Sean LeonardRutgers University
2014-15David IsraelJohns Hopkins University
2013-14Josh ZofferHarvard University
2012-13Coulter KingHarvard University
2011-12Ashley WoodsNortheastern University
2010-11Alex TaubesBoston University
2009-10Adam GoldsteinMassachusetts Institutes of Technology
2008-09Andrew RohrbachYale University
2007-08Christopher BaiaJohns Hopkins University
2006-07John HollwitzFordham University
2005-06Robbie PrattThe College of William and Mary
2004-05Andrew KornYale University
2003-04Angelo CarusoneFordham University
2002-03Greg JenningsUniversity of Maryland, College Park
2001-02Jeff WilliamsColumbia University
2000-01Scott LuftglassYale University
1999-00Matt SchwartzPrinceton University
1998-99John WilliamsPrinceton University
1997-98Ben KarlinBrown University
1996-97Peter StrisUniversity of Pennsylvania
1995-96Chris PaolellaPrinceton University
1994-95Gordon ToddPrinceton University
1993-94Martin EltrichUniversity of Pennsylvania
1992-93Damon WatsonPrinceton University
1991-92Ted NiblockJohns Hopkins University
1990-91Mike GalvinHarvard University
1989-90Howard RobbinsJohns Hopkins University
1988-89Robert KaplanColumbia University
1983-84Chris DeMoulinSwarthmore College
1982-83Grant OliphantSwarthmore College
1981-82David MartlandPrinceton University

Speaker of the Year

YearSpeaker of the YearSchool
2024Ryan LaffertyDartmouth College
2023Roy TieferUniversity of Chicago
2022John YoussefTufts University
2021Ellie SingerYale University
2020Sandy GreenbergBrown University
2019Sophia CalderaHarvard University
2018Miriam PiersonSwarthmore College
2017Jerusalem DemsasCollege of William & Mary
2016Anirudh DasarathyPrinceton University
2015Aaron MurphyThe College of William and Mary
2014Josh ZofferHarvard University
2013Coulter KingHarvard University
2012Reid BagwellColumbia University
2011Alex TaubesBoston University
2010Vivek SuriJohns Hopkins University
2009Daniel RauchPrinceton University
2008Andy HillThe College of William and Mary
2007Adam ChiltonYale University
2006Jon BatemanJohns Hopkins University
2005Robbie PrattThe College of William and Mary
2004Brookes BrownBrown University
2003Phil LarochelleMassachusetts Institute of Technology
2002Emily GarinPrinceton University
2001Brian FletcherYale University
2000David SilvermanPrinceton University
1999Peter GuirguisNew York University
1998Micah WeinbergPrinceton University
Chris PorcaroNew York University
1997John OleskePrinceton University
1996Chris PaolellaPrinceton University
1995Doug KernPrinceton University
1994Thanos BasdekisColumbia University
1993Damon WatsonPrinceton University
1992Ted CruzPrinceton University
1991David GrayYale University
1990Matt WolfYale University
1989Robert KaplanColumbia University
John GastilSwarthmore University
1988Bart AronsonYale University
1987Bart AronsonYale University
1984Chris DeMoulinSwarthmore

Team of the Year:

YearTeam of the YearSchool
2024Ahmad Howard and Roy TieferUniversity of Chicago
2023Ahmad Howard and Alessandro PerriUniversity of Chicago
2022Robert Brown and Devesh KodnaniUniversity of Chicago
2021Zan Rozen & Jacob BoehmAmherst College
2020Aditya Dhar & Paloma O’ConnorHarvard
2019Joe Clancy and Ally Ross, Jasper Primack and Teddy Wyman(Tie) Georgetown, Boston University
2018Miriam Pierson and Nathaniel UrbanSwarthmore
2017Max Albert and Pasha TemkinRutgers
2016Anirudh Dasarathy and Nathan RaabPrinceton
2015Diana Li and Henry ZhangYale
2014Josh Zoffer and Shomik GhoshHarvard
2013Robert Colonel and Ben KornfeldYale
2012Coulter King and Alex LoomisHarvard
2011Greg Meyer and Alex TaubesBoston
2010Cormac Early and Kyle BeanHarvard
2009Daniel Rauch and Zayn SiddiquePrinceton
2008Josh Bone and Andrew RohrbachYale
2007Matthew Wansley and Adam ChiltonYale
2006Chris Ford and Robbie PrattWilliam and Mary
2005David Vincent Kimel and Jason Wen, Jon Bateman and Michael Mayernick, Chris Ford and Robbie Pratt(Tie) Harvard, Johns Hopkins, William & Mar
2004Christian Asmar and Kate ReillyPrinceton
2003Adam Jed and Elizabeth O’ConnorYale
2002Edward Parillon and Yoni SchnellerPrinceton
2001Brian Fletcher and Scott LuftglassYale
2000Laurence Bleicher and David SilvermanPrinceton
1999Jonathan Cohen and Dave RiordanJohns Hopkins
1998Jason Goldman and Niall O’MurchadhaPrinceton
1997Chris Willenken and Amanda AmertWilliams
1996Brendan Maher and Matt MeskellStanford
1995Arlo Devlin-Brown and Dan SteinColumbia
1994Thanos Basdekis and Arlo Devlin-BrownColumbia
1993Thanos Basdekis and Morty DubinColumbia
1992Ted Cruz and Dave PantonPrinceton
1991David Gray and Austan GoolsbeeYale
1990Mark Berkowitz and Dan PrietoWesleyan
1989Andrew Cohen and Robert KaplanColumbia
1988Greg Ealick and Mark VoyceUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
1987Josh Davis and Reid NeureiterSwarthmore
1985Chris Alston and Mark Vargo 1984 PrincetonPrinceton
1983Grant Oliphant and Chris DeMoulinSwarthmore

National Champions:

YearNational ChampionsSchool
2024Xiao-ke Lu and Rahul KalavaguntaPrinceton
2023Robert Brown and Roy TieferUChicago
2022Co-Champion: Ben Park and Matt Song; Shyla Summers and Cameron ChaconYale
2021Jared Stone and Nathaniel SumimotoGeorge Washington
2019Sophia Caldera and John HuntHarvard
2018Jim Huang and Michael MaoYale
2017Miriam Pierson and William MeyerSwarthmore
2016Bharath Srivatsan and Sinan OzbayPrinceton
2015Nathaniel Donahue and Fanele MashwamaHarvard
2014Michael Barton and Zach BakalYale
2013Ben Sprung-Keyser and Josh ZofferHarvard
2012Coulter King and Alex LoomisHarvard
2011Greg Meyer and Alex TaubesBoston University
2010Vivek Suri and Sean WithallJohns Hopkins
2009Andrew Rohrbach and Grant MayYale
2008Michael Baer and Anish MitraStanford
2007David Denton and Dylan GadekYale
2006Dan Greco and Michael ReillyPrinceton
2005Alex Blenkinsopp and Alex PotapovHarvard
2004Marty Roth and Nico CornellHarvard
2003Jay Cox and Tim WillenkenYale
2002Edward Parillon and Yoni SchnellerPrinceton
2001Brian Fletcher and Scott LuftglassYale
2000Jeremiah Gordon and Matt SchwartzPrinceton
1999Carissa Byrne and John CastellyColumbia
1998Eric Albert and Justin OsofskyHarvard
1997Rebecca Justice and David WeinerJohns Hopkins
1996Peter Stris and Elizabeth Rogers [now Brannen]UPenn
1995Jeremy Mallory and Neal PotischmanSwarthmore
1994Dave Carney and Neal PotischmanSwarthmore
1993Thanos Basdekis and Morty DubinColumbia
1992Chris Harris and David KennedyHarvard
1991Robert Ewing and Christopher RayPrinceton
1990Andrew Borsanyi and Joel PotischmanWesleyan
1989Nick Alpers and Pat BannonHarvard
1988Aaron Belkin and Jason GrumetBrown
1987Josh Davis and Reid NeureiterSwarthmore
1986Ben Alpers and Michael C. DorfHarvard
1985Martha Hirschfield and Tim MooreBrown
1984Chuck Fish and Marshall ParsonsUnited States Naval Academy
1983Neil H. Buchanan and Doug CurtisHarvard
1982Robert Gilbert and Richard SommerPrinceton
1981J.J. Gertler and Tom MassaroAmherst

Jeff Williams Award:

YearRecipientUniversity affiliation
2024Ahmad Howard University of Chicago
Mac HaysBrown University

Aadhavaarasan Raviarasan
New York University
2023Ye Joo HanHarvard University
Nick DevitoTufts University
2022Devesh KodnaniUniversity of Chicago
2021Ellie SingerYale University
2020Nathaniel SumimotoGeorge Washington University
Parker KellyGeorge Washington University
2019Sophia CalderaHarvard University
Alexandra JohnsonUniversity of Pennsylvania
Max AlbertRutgers University
Jasper PrimackBoston University
2018Pasha TemkinRutgers University
2017Andrew BowlesGeorge Washington University
2016Sean LeonardRutgers University
2015Diana LiYale University
David IsraelJohns Hopkins University
2014Michael BartonYale University
Zach BakalYale University
Nick CuginiYale University
2013Coulter KingHarvard University
2012Alex LoomisHarvard University
Omar QureshiJohns Hopkins University
2011Alex TaubesBoston University
2010Vivek SuriJohns Hopkins University
Grant MayYale University
2009Michael ChildersJohns Hopkins University
2008Andy HillThe College of William and Mary
Chris BaiaJohns Hopkins University
2007Adam ChiltonYale University

Chris Porcaro Award:

YearPorcaro Award winnerUniversity affiliation
2024Ahmad HowardUniversity of Chicago
2023Ye Joo HanHarvard University
2022Emmanuel MurphyThe College of William and Mary
2021Anish WeldeUniversity of Pennsylvania
2020Sandy GreenbergBrown University
2019Sophia CalderaHarvard University
2018Miriam PiersonSwarthmore College
2017Andrew BowlesGeorge Washington University
2016Sean LeonardRutgers University
2015Aaron MurphyThe College of William and Mary
2014Josh ZofferHarvard University
2013Coulter KingHarvard University
2012Reid BagwellColumbia University
2011Alex TaubesBoston University
2010Vivek SuriJohns Hopkins University
Grant MayYale University
2009Michael ChildersJohns Hopkins University
2008Andy HillThe College of William and Mary
2007Matthew WansleyYale
2006Jon BatemanJohns Hopkins University
2005Alex BlenkinsoppHarvard University
Kat HylandFordham University
Kate ReillyPrinceton
2004Brookes BrownBrown
Neil VakhariaNew York University
2003Phil LarochelleMassachusetts Institute of Technology
2002Emily GarinPrinceton University
2001David SilvermanPrinceton University

Kyle Bean Award:

YearRecipientUniversity affiliation
2024Brandon BurtonUniversity of Virginia
2023Mac HaysBrown University
Eugenie ParkWellesley College
2022Audrey ShingNortheastern University
2021Sandy GreenbergBrown University
2020Ann GarthBrown University
Jay GibbsUniversity of Chicago
2019Claire McMahon FishmanBrown University
2018Trevor CollitonCity University of New York
Katy LiJohns Hopkins University
2017Ricky CamboBrown University
Jerusalem DemsasCollege of William and Mary
2016Nathan RaabPrinceton University

Bo Missonis Award:

YearBo Missonis Award winnerUniversity affiliation
2024Sarah MooreWellesley College
Maggie MooneyUniversity of Virginia
2023Benny NicholsonUniversity of Chicago
Shyla SummersYale University
2022Yannick DavidsonWilliams College
Audrey ShingNortheastern University
2021Kavya GopinathBrown University
Jonas PoggiGeorge Washington University
2020Haseeb WaseemVillanova University
Ellis LondonBrandeis University
2019Auriel HaackWellesley College
Nathaniel SumimotoGeorge Washington University
2018Claire McMahon FishmanBrown University
Pragya MalikPrinceton University
2017Mars HeHarvard University
2016Jerusalem DemsasThe College of William and Mary
Gerry JamisonThe College of William and Mary
2015Matthew RohnFranklin & Marshall College
2014Russell PotterRutgers University
2013Zach BakalYale University
2012Sam SandersBrown University
2011Alex LoomisHarvard College
2010Andrew HusickBrandeis University
2009Lily LamboyAmherst College
2008Lauren BatemanThe College of William and Mary
2007Josh BoneYale University
2006Adam GroceMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Michelle ZimmermannMassachusetts Institute of Technology
2005Dan GrecoPrinceton University
2004Josh BendorYale University
2003Dom WilliamsPrinceton University
2002Pat NicholsMassachusetts Institute of Technology
2001Storey ClaytonBrandeis University
Ryan HackerNew York University
2000Andrew SepielliPrinceton University
1999Dave RiordanJohns Hopkins University
1998Colby Tofel-GrehlFordham University
Jason GoldmanPrinceton University

Distinguished Service Award:

YearRecipientUniversity affiliation
2024Irina ZnamirowskiBrandeis University
Lindsey GradowskiGeorgetown University
2023Dominic DeramoGeorgetown University
Ananya KalahastiJohns Hopkins University, George Washington University
2022Hannah PlatterSmith College
Robin GlossGeorge Washington University
2021Haseeb WaseemVillanova University